PORTS In-Person Field Trip to Columbia State Park
You are invited to join us on our PORTS in-person field trip to Columbia State Park. It is happening on Friday, December 1, 2023. We are meeting Ranger Caleb in front of the Columbia Museum at 11:00 am on December 1.
Caleb has a wonderful program planned for us as we learn about the history of the California Gold Rush as well as learn how to mine for Gold. Many of you have met Caleb on our in-person trips to Big Trees as well as on our virtual trips to Columbia.
Please feel free to contact Corie Ross at extension 2220, email at [email protected], or post in our PORTS Google Classroom if you have any questions or need any information.
Click article title to see the flyer and sign up for this trip. You will also need to fill out the permission slips located in our school offices. Sign-up sheets and maps are available in the offices as well. Posted 11/16/23