Sonora Workshop Schedule The Sonora Spring Workshop Schedule is available on the website now. Posted 1/9/20
Spring Workshop Schedules Available The San Andreas and Ione Spring Workshop Schedules are available on the website now. Posted 1-8-20
Robotics I Canceled The 1-2:30 PM Robotics I class is canceled on Tuesday, January 7, Thursday, January 9 and for the Spring Semester. Posted 1/7/20
Senior Prom Meeting There will be a Prom Meeting on January 17th at 1:00 for seniors who are interested in helping plan the All High School Formal Prom. During the Senior Meeting on November 15th the seniors made a few decisions regarding this year's prom.....It will be a Garden Theme and prom will be held at the American Legion Hall in Sutter Creek. We will be making the final decisions regarding decorations, date, and food at this meeting. We are hoping that everyone will come with some garden themed decorating ideas. Posted 12/6/19
Dash Robotics Canceled The Monday 1-2:30 PM Dash Robotics class is canceled on Monday January 6 and for the Spring Semester. Posted 1/6/20
Sutter's Fort Meeting There will be a Sutter's Fort Meeting in the library on Thursday, January 9 at noon. Posted 1/7/29
California Immunization Requirements Click article title for more information about the new laws going into effect on January 1, 2020. Updated 12/11/19
Scholarship Packets Hello all graduating seniors and early graduating juniors. The local scholarship lists and packets are available in the black bins by the entrance to the Oracle Oak room (where teachers Rose, John, Nancy, Rhianna and Janice are located). The Ione and Tuolumne sites will have theirs by the first week of December. Please see Sisene to find out how to do your scholarship essay and fill in the packets. Posted 11/19/19
Winter Festival Join us at the San Andreas site on Friday, December 13 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM for our Winter Festival. Click article title for a flyer with more details. Posted 12/6/19