Each year, all students in California are required to participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). As a reminder, participation in standards-based testing is part of the Master Agreement and the student contract you signed when you enrolled your child at Mountain Oaks. Participation in testing is not only helpful for teachers and families to identify the learning needs of our students, but it is also mandated by the state of California. If Mountain Oaks fails to test less than 95% of our students, our school could face severe penalties from the State of California and other regulatory agencies. These penalties could include the revocation (closure) of Mountain Oaks Charter School.
Your child will take the following tests, depending on their grade level:
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts and Math, required tests in grades 3–8 and 11
- California Science Test (CAST), a required test in grades 5, 8 and 12
This year, Mountain Oaks will administer the CAASPP either in person or, if requested, via remote testing. Please speak with your mentor teacher about how and when your child will test.
If your child opts to take the test at home. They will connect with a school staff member on the computer. Once you have helped your child enter the test session, please follow these guidelines during this test so your child can show what they can do on their own:
- Follow all instructions given by the school staff member.
- Leave the room and do not talk to your student while they test.
- Do not talk about the questions on the test or any materials for the test with anyone before, during, or after the test.
- Do not record the test or take pictures of the test questions or of your child taking the test.
- Your child will be monitored through a web camera and microphone so the test administrator can provide support while taking the test. The test will not be recorded.
The testing schedule is listed below:
CAASPP Testing Window: April 19 through May 18, 2022
In-Person Testing at all three sites: April 25-29, 2022.
- Grade 3-6 will be tested from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm each day until done
- Grades 7-8 and 11 will be tested from 1:00-4:00 pm each day until done
- Grade 12 will be tested on Friday, April 29 either from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm or 1:00-4:00 pm depending on their preference
You are a very important part of your child’s education. To make sure your child feels comfortable taking tests, you can:
- Explain to your child that these tests are tools to help them learn, and they should not be anxious or scared.
- Explore the practice tests with your child at caaspp.org/practice-and-training/index.html so they can become familiar with the platform and setup of the tests.
- Remind your child that you and their teacher want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of the way.
- Make sure your child has a good night's rest and a healthy meal each day before testing.
You will receive your child’s test results at or before the beginning of the next school year. The results will identify where your child is doing well or needs more help, so you can better support their learning at home and teachers can better support their learning at school
To learn more about these tests go to the Starting Smarter web page at ca.startingsmarter.org/, or review the Parent Guides to Understanding at cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/parentguidetounderstand.asp.
Please have your child bring their fully-charged Chromebook to testing each day if they have one checked out from the school. Personal Chromebooks or computers may not be used to test. If students don't have a Chromebook checked out, one will be provided for them at school during testing.
If you have questions, please contact your mentor teacher, an administrator or Jean Hutton at 209-754-0532 ext. 2226 or [email protected].
Jean Hutton, Testing Coordinator