Person Tree

February 19 PORTS Presentation Moved to February 26

This is an update about our PORTS presentation that was set to happen this Friday, Feb. 19.
We now have an opportunity to do the actual Jr. Ranger program virtually with Jenny at Big Trees this month. And, once all of us complete the program, everyone earns some special items including California State Park badges plus other things from Big Trees.
In order to do this, though, we need to adjust the date of our upcoming presentation that was scheduled for this coming Friday.
We need to change the date to next Friday, February 26 at 10:00am.
Jenny will present the winter adaptations program in April.
Our presentation on Friday, February 26 will be open to Mountain Oaks students from all three PORTS groups. As soon as we get the link from Jenny, we will forward it on to everyone. We will also
post it in the PORTS Google classrooms.
If you have any friends at school who would like to go through the program on 2/26, please tell them to send an email to us and we can forward them the link.
Thanks and see you on Feb. 26 at 10:00am.
Your PORTS Team