Sky & Brances

Academic Decathlon Team is Going to State!

Our Honors level is comprised of Senior Alexa H., who earned Golds and Highest Overall Scores in Economics & Art, Silvers in Science & Speech, and Bronzes in Social Science and Language & Literature;  Sophomore Trillium W. who earned Golds in Language & Literature and Music where she earned the Highest Overall Score, a Silver in Science, and Bronzes in Speech and Art; and Sophomore Emma D. who earned a Silver in Interview, and Bronzes in Essay and Music.

Our Scholastic level is comprised of Freshman Eden M. who earned Golds in Essay and Language & Literature, Silvers in Music, Economics, and Art; Sophomore Veda D. who earned a Gold in Music and Bronzes in Social Science & Art; and Sophomore Ben W. who earned Bronzes in Music and Economics.

 Our Varsity level is comprised of Eva Estes who is the Varsity Level Top Scorer and earned Golds in Music, Economics, and Art as well as Golds & Highest Overall Scores in Social Science and Language & Literature, and Bronzes in Speech and Interview; Sophomore Anna L. who earned Golds in Essay & Science, Silvers in Language & Literature and Economics, and Bronzes in Art & Social Science; and Freshman Reed H. who earned a Silver in Music.

Thanks to the dozens of family members and staff who were on hand to cheer for our team during this exhilarating event. A special thank you to Music Instructor Ellen Davison, Speech Instructor Mike Nagano, Science Instructor John Kenney and Daniel O’Connell for his continuing dedication as well as Coach & Art, Language & Literature, Social Science, Economics, and Interview Instructor Rose Justi. Congratulations to our team and their super supportive families!