Sunset Tree

Attention - Lunch Program Participants

We would like to remind students and their families of the following rules and guidelines for the lunch program:
  •  Lunches are to be ordered 5 days in advance.  We do not have the staff or resources to guarantee "on-demand" lunch service.
  •  Lunches are to be ordered on days and times they are assigned workshops here on campus lasting more than 2 hours.  If a student is just here for a mentor meeting or they are just on campus, that does not qualify the student for lunch.
  •  Lunch Service starts at 12:30PM and ends once the students in line at 12:30PM have gone through.  This means the lunch window closes by 12:45PM. Students should line up no earlier than 12:29PM.  Staff will not let them into the gym early.
  • Please turn in the lunch paperwork that was provided at the beginning of the year.  If the paperwork is not in and/or you do not qualify for lunch services, we begin charging students for lunch.
Thank you in advance for following the aforementioned rules and guidelines for the lunch program.  This helps us ensure that staff and resources are able to meet the needs of our students.
--The Mountain Oaks School Administration